Green Social Entrepreneurship



New Normal Leadership

Green Social Entrepreneurship
- highlights VIDEO -

Climate Change is The New Normal.

Europe has recognised the great potential of climate protection: climate protection is not only ecologically indispensable, but also consolidates the industry location Europe and European technology leadership: Innovations are encouraged, new markets are opened, investments are triggered – ultimately new jobs will be created.
Climate protection also generates many positive side effects: for example, saving energy costs in companies and households. It improves the quality of air in cities thus improving the citizens’ health. Finally, many European citizens – especially the younger ones – attach great value to the principle of climate protection and support the EU in their leading role in this field.

Digital Transformation has become The New Normal

The energy industry is causing catastrophic climate change producing most of the greenhouse gas emissions. But it is already possible to create ethical energy that is environmentally sustainable as well as socially responsible. The transition of countries to low carbon economy is possible with the application of innovative solutions and "smart" digital transformation.
Digitalization of entities in the business and public sector have already accelerated sustainable development and digital start-up ecosystem.

Sustainability as a New Normal Leadership

Normal no longer exists and sustainability leaders have a key role to play in defining the future in the New Normal. Returning to business as usual is not an option - the new normal means that many businesses cannot simply return to operating as they did before. Businesses need to change towards sustainable development.
Communities need to be empowered to understand their role and responsibilities within their place. Tools and models to apply ecological thinking to sustainable development need to be developed, taught and implemented. Community engagement in sustainable environment development projects should support green social entrepreneurship and innovation of local youth and socially vulnerable groups.


Panel I
New Normal Leadership

Dr.Katerina Veljanovska Blazevska - President of the assembly, Small Business Chamber

1. IPA 3 – Green business development
Presenter: Elisabeta Georgieva - Program Manager of the European Delegation in Skopje

2. SGS EcoCert platform
Platform for Promoting, Establishing and Certifying Green Projects and Sustainable Business Practices for Companies and Organizations
Presenter: Dr.Marijana Lonchar Velkova, Consumers Organisation of Macedonia

3. Transformation of personal capacity - affirmation of leadership potentials
Presentation: Dr. Katerina Veljanovska Blazevska, Small Business Chamber

Panel II
Sustainable, green and social economy

Moderator: Dr.Blagica Sekovska - European Institute for Green Economy and Sustainable Development

4. Trends in sustainable development: green economy and social entrepreneurship
Presenter: Dr.Blagica Sekovska - European Institute for Green Economy and Sustainable Development

5. Developing crowdfunding, energy consumer cooperative and cooperative finansing platforms for energy transition in local communities
Presenter: Darko Spirovski, Adria Finance HUB

6. Lightweight electric vehicles - electric motor initiative
Presenter: Kiril Minanov, Elektromobilnost Makedonija

7. JODA project for sustainable reintegration of the homeless - practical training for biohumus production
Presenter: Dejan Stojanovik, Executive director, IN VIVO Citizens' Association for Social and Economic Development

Recorded presentations

8. Green Entrepreneurship as a higher octave of the social economy
Presenter: Irina Janevska , ARNO - association for the development of new options

9. Extinction Rebellion - world movement
Presenter: Jasmina Karlsson - Extinction Rebellion, Sweden

Makt & vardag: Klimatkoll APS 8 Октомври 2020 г.


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  1. Петок, Септември 25, 2020

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